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- BizLink Holding Inc. named to Newsweek's 2022 list of America's Most Responsible Companies
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BizLink Holding Inc. named to Newsweek's 2022 list of America's Most Responsible Companies
Leading global interconnect solutions provider, BizLink Holding Inc., is honored to be named to Newsweek’s 2022 list of “America’s Most Responsible Companies” for the 3rd straight year after Newsweek began this ranking in 2019. Our rankings improved over the prior year’s, and recognizes our continued efforts and further solidifies our resolve in achieving greater corporate sustainability across the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance aspects of our global business.
BizLink Chairman, Roger Liang, gratefully expressed the following: “BizLink is honored to be named as one of Newsweek’s America’s Most Responsible Companies for the third time, which recognizes our long-term commitment towards building a sustainable future for all of our stakeholders. BizLink will continue to proactively keep pace with the times, and we foresee that ESG regulations as well as stakeholder requirements becoming more stringent. We aim to keep a watchful eye on industry developments, conserve energy and manage resource usage, create an optimal working environment, attach greater importance to stakeholder feedback, and also strive to become a good example to follow for other companies to benchmark against.”
We continued to remain true to our sustainability commitments in the past year:
Environmental (E)
BizLink included “Corporate Sustainability” into its operational strategies, and set targets to bolster carbon emission reduction and energy conservation measures as well as to raise energy utilization efficiency. BizLink achieved sizeable progress in two key environmental indicators with greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity and energy consumption intensity falling by over -30% and by about -5%, respectively, versus the prior year. Our headquarters in Fremont began the use of renewable energy generation in the second half of 2020 with an installation of a solar power system that contributed nearly 200,000 kWh of energy. We plan to gradually introduce renewable energy generation at more of our sites in the coming years, and to move towards our global carbon reduction targets of net zero carbon emissions.Society (S)
BizLink’s donations rose by about +6% versus the prior year as we continued our long-term global support of non-profit organizations, including UNICEF, World Vision, and Doctors Without Borders. BizLink supported the construction of an emergency room and an intensive care unit at the Washington Hospital in California to boost the quality of local medical care. BizLink continued to support R&D projects from the National Chiao Tung University’s (renamed National Yangming Jiaotong University in February 2021) Advanced Rocket Research Center since 2016 with the long-term aim to nurture future talents in rocket research. Finally, BizLink also continued to support the construction of a high-resolution image database of marine life in the waters of Hualien, Taiwan for the Kuroshio Ocean Education Foundation to help identify and track changes in the kinds of whales and dolphin species and their numbers over the long-term to protect their ecology.Governance (G)
BizLink continued to strengthen the performance of our Board of Directors, maximize information transparency, and to boost stakeholder engagement. BizLink set up a Global Sustainability Center last year to promote best practice work standards for environmental protection and for employee health and safety across our 17 production and 9 office sites with a “zero accidents” target. BizLink was ranked among the Top-20% in the 7th annual Corporate Governance evaluation conducted by the TWSE in 2021, and was selected as a constituent stock in the TWSE’s Corporate Governance 100 index for the 6th year in a row.Newsweek, a mainstream media outlet in the US, cooperated with Statista, a data research firm, to select the top 500 responsible companies headquartered in the US to recognize their efforts in creating a sustainable future for all. The review was divided into four stages. An initial list of 2,000 companies was screened based on their sales. The list was then narrowed down to only those that released a Corporate Sustainability Report. The third stage focused on various environmental, social, and corporate governance criteria before 11,000 US citizens were polled online to arrive at the final list, which was available on the Newsweek website https://www.newsweek.com/americas-most-responsible-companies-2022, and was published in the December 3rd print edition of their magazine.

Herausgabe von | BizLink Holding Inc. (TWSE Code: 3665) |